Since 2018, we have created a path to improved quality of life by connecting to the balance of the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual states of health and well-being, guiding a life of harmony and connection with self, community and creation.

Blackfoot (Niitsitipi) Principals



To live a good life and maintain the integrity of cultural knowledge and practices. 


The receiving of life giving gifts which support human development and honoured through an expression of gratitude. 


Ethical responsibilities in maintaining good relationships. 



Acquire personal resourcefulness and courage to overcome challenges. 



Compassionate way of being for collective wellbeing. 


Receiving life giving knowledge for continuity of the collective. 



striving for balance in our relationships to achieve good life. 


Embody knowledge and practices as a way of being. 


"Recovery is a path to improved quality of life by finding balance in the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual states of health and well-being, guiding a life of harmony with self, community and creation."